Banana, Blueberry & Almond Quiche

Yes. You read it right - Banana, Blueberry & Almond Quiche. I've never seen a sweet quiche before - not that I've looked online, but I was quite pleased when I came up with this recipe last night - yes I often lay in bed at night dreaming up new recipes for my low carb lifestyle, I just love food since I've become low carb and I can't seem to get enough of it. Anyway, while these Banana, Blueberry and Almond Quiche were sweet, there was 0 sugar added to them by me, all the sweeteness came from the Banana. However,  while I may have found these quiche sweet enough, for anyone with a sweet tooth I would recommend adding some low carb sweetener to the mix before cooking - I added a little raw maple syrup with some natural yogurt - amazing!!

Banana, Blueberry & Almond Quiche 

The smell that filled my house this morning was just simply divine - like freshly baked banana bread, it had me wishing I could be more creative with coconut flour and make some proper banana bread muffins - maybe one day this week.

The best thing about these little quiche is that they can be eaten at any time of the day - Breakfast, Snacks, you could even serve them for dessert with a little whipped cream - I would be happy if I was served these at a dinner party, and I'm not just saying it because it's my recipe - they truly were delicious.

Anyway, I think I've waffled on enough - now for the recipe

Yield - 4

  • 3 - Free Range Eggs 
  • 50g - Banana 
  • 50g Blueberries 
  • 20g - Flaked Almonds 
  • 4 tbsp Double Cream 
  • Low Carb Sweetener - optional 

  • Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and place them in separate bowls 
  • With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites with the sweetener until their thick and frothy 
  • Do the same with the egg yolks 
  • In a blender, blend the banana into a purée, then fold into the egg whites  - do the same with the egg yolk, blueberries and almond flakes.
  • Next spoon the mixture evenly into muffin cases, add the double cream, and place the quiche into a pre-heated oven for 30-40 mins on a low heat - 175f - if your quiche start to brown too quickly, turn the heat down again.

And there you have it - another simple, but delicious recipe.

Enjoy !


Tuna Waffle Melt

Here it is again - the coconut flour bread recipe - which you can find here - this time however its a waffle and used for a tuna melt - yum! There's not much to say about this recipe, as I've used it so many times I have nothing else t say about it - other than its still delicious, especially when you add herbs into the batter - italian seasoning is a good one.

I've never actually had a tuna melt before, so I wasn't particularly sure what to add to it - I knew cheese must be a main component and then I added whatever I fancied and voila - tuna melt.

Tuna Melt
The only trouble I have with my waffle maker is that it leaves the waffles pretty limp and fragile - I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen since I've only ever eaten my own waffles, but this issue is easily fixed - I carefully remove them from the waffle maker and fry them on a low heat, in some ghee, or unsalted butter until their a nice golden brown - this makes the sandwich easier to handle.

So there it is, a tuna melt with waffle bread - who needs carby bread eh?


Chicken & Leek Pie, with Colcannon Mash

At last I have something other than pancakes and bread to post about -yay!  I made this a while ago but I never got around to posting the recipe for it, which was disappointing since I really enjoyed this pie. However, when I think of a pie I think of a pastry crusted case, holding some sort of delicious filling, but obviously being on low carb/keto I can't eat those sorts of food so I had to improvise yet again. I decided to take a simple pie filling  and topped it with cauliflower mash - almost like a shepherds pie but vegetarian and it was 'chicken and leek'. Again, this recipe is vegetarian and so it is higher carb than an actual chicken version would be but its easily changed.

When I made this recipe I was going through the ketoflu - definitely not fun - but I heard eating sodium and potassium help with this issue, as low carb is a natural diuretic so your continuously passing these minerals through your urine which means you need to add them back - Bouillon can help with this as its high in sodium, although I chose to have the reduced salt as I find this is still too salty for me and then I used it in this dish,which definitely added flavour to the meal. 

Chicken & Leek Pie, with Colcannon Cauliflower Mash
Yield 1-2 Servings
Ingredients for the Pie Filling 
  • 100g Quorn Chicken - or Diced Chicken 
  • 100g - Leek 
  • 15g - Bouillon Powder
  • 15g- Butter 
  • 60ml - Double Cream 
  • Ghee

Ingredients for the Colcannon Cauliflower Mash
  • 300g - Cauliflower 
  • Garlic 
  • 2 Spring Onion 
  • Parmesan 
  • Himalayan Salt 
  • Fry the leeks in a non stick frying pan with the ghee and chicken until everything is cooked. 
  • In a saucepan boil the cauliflower with the salt.
  • Remove the filling ingredients from the frying pan and melt the butter on a low heat, take off the heat and add the double cream with some bouillon and water and reduce the sauce until it thickens slightly. 
  • When the cauliflower is cooked, mash it with a potato masher, or pulse it in a food processor with the garlic, then add the spring onion and parmesan. 
  • Before you top the pie filling with the cauliflower mash the filling needs to be cold so that the cauliflower mash doesn't sink. 
  • Now you can put the pie in the oven until the pie is warmed through and the cauliflower mash has turned brown, or crisped slightly. 
And that's it, you can serve with any vegetables, salad, or even eat it on its own.


Who Needs Burger Buns...Coconut Flour Bread

Yesterday I fancied a burger for dinner, but not the usual low carb burger that I see around Instagram and the internet where there's lettuce leaves to act as the 'bun' - I've tried this a few times and it while it may look good, as soon as you get stuck in all turns messy and annoying to eat - no, this burger needed something that was going to hold a burger and all its trimmings, I needed something that I could hold in my hand and not have it fall apart on me, something that could satisfy my taste buds and also my burger cravings. That's when it hit me - why not use my pancake bread recipe for the bun - so yesterday for dinner,  I made a delicious vegetarian burger, with all the typical burger trimmings and I was able to hold it in my hand and enjoy every single last bite. You don't believe me, I have photographic evidence - look. 

Hand Held Burger 
Yup. I was pretty impressed too and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. This bread recipe - which I have posted a few times on this blog, is very simple, easy to cook and can also be prepared beforehand - as I found out yesterday, although it could have done with being heated up - but I'll remember that for next time. Actually, this burger was so impressive it even made my parents want it - which is always a surprise since they still think the way I eat is unhealthy, I just can't get through to them. 

Egg's Florentine with Coconut Flour Pancakes

  Today I made the best breakfast ever - and I'm not just saying it - it was amazing! I’ve made eggs Florentine once before, when I first started low carb/keto and it wasn’t great – I used coconut flour to make the sauce and it was just too grainy – I never made that mistake again, I also used toast back then too. This eggs florentine was everything you need in an egg dish - creamy, cheesy, eggy and delicious, it also had plenty of pancakes to mop up the sauce and yolk - I could actually eat this again right now, if I wasn't still full up from eating it breakfast time.  I guess this isn’t a true eggs Florentine as I didn’t use tomatoes, or hollandaise sauce – truth be told I’ve never made a hollandaise sauce before and it seems a bit fiddly, maybe one day.

I came up with the eggs Florentine recipe late last night, but when I woke this morning I debated whether to make the eggs florentine –it just seemed like too much effort that early in the morning – but you can’t just stick some cereal in a bowl with low carb/ keto and call it a day, you need to be creative on times, and since I was all out of breakfast ideas I got cracking with the eggs Florentine - and I’m glad I did. My initial idea for the sauce was with double cream, butter and some cheddar – a plausible cheese sauce in my opinion, but it seemed a bit rich for a morning breakfast, plus I had planned whipped cream for supper, so I needed a different idea - that’s when I settled on cream cheese – yup cream cheese, who would have thought you could make a delicious sauce from it.

Eggs Florentine with Coconut Flour Pancakes 

The eggs Florentine combined with the coconut flour pancakes is a bit time consuming to make and you do need to be good at multitasking in order to have it all ready at the same time - so it’s not suitable for your average busy person, but if you happen to have a spare 30-40 mins on hand, then definitely try this - you won’t regret it.

The coconut flour pancakes were made with my usual ‘bread’ pancake recipe - which you can find here  but with Italian seasoning added in to give them a bit more flavour for the egg dish – I’m actually useless with herbs and spices and thought the cheese sauce may overpower the Italian seasoning, but it totally didn't.

Coconut Flour Pancakes
  • 1 – Free Range Egg
  • 20g - Coconut Flour
  • 60ml – Almond Milk (Any low carb milk)
  • ¼ tsp - Baking Powder
  • 1/8 tsp - Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 tsp – Italian Seasoning
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Ghee, or Unsalted Butter

Coconut Flour Pancake Instructions
  • Beat the egg in a bowl with the salt, gradually add the coconut flour and combine until the batter is smooth and lump free, add the Italian seasoning.
  • Melt your oil in a non-stick, or cast iron skillet on a low heat
  • Spoon your coconut flour batter into the pan and cook slowly, pushing the sides of the pancake with the spatula to create a thicker, smaller pancake.
  • Cook both sides and then plate up.

Cheese Sauce Ingredients
  • 50g – Philadelphia Full Fat Cream Cheese
  • 3 tbsp – Almond Milk
  • 30g – Cheddar – I use extra strong
  • Cheese Sauce Instructions
  • When you’re cooking your pancakes and poaching your eggs, melt the cream cheese in a saucepan on a low heat, with the almond milk.
  • When the cream cheese is smooth take off the heat and add the cheese, stirring occasionally. When the cheese is nearly melted add back to the heat – this stops the cheese from going stringy.
  • Now that the main components are cooked all you have to do now is wilt some spinach, poach your eggs and plate up.

It’s quite simple right?

Feel free to pin any of my recipes, or comment below - I'd love to hear what you all think. :)


Greenfingered Goddess

It's been a while, but I'm back and with a ton of new recipes in tow - excited? I certainly am.  Since my last post I have taken my domesticated goddess skills beyond cooking and cleaning and I am now growing my own vegetables – yes from seed, which is tedious and monotonous until those little gems start sprouting into a new life – then it gets fun. I have also been getting my creative groove on lately in the kitchen and coming up with some new, exciting vegetarian, low carb/keto recipes to share with all of you – if I do say so myself, and I will be sharing some of these lovely recipes later on, because right now – I want to talk about gardening, and my new found love for it.

Gardening has definitely been on my to do list for some time, but as I still live at home – begrudgingly – I’ve never wanted to get started on something that would never look as good as my very own, home-grown vegetable patch surrounded by a crisp white picket fence and free range chickens– which I doubt I will ever have anyway, but a girl can dream – plus we don’t have a garden per se  – it’s a three tiered, pretty scruffy backyard that has a deck in the middle and a ton of wood at the top end and no dirt, or even grass– not much to go on right? I am also OCD so everything must look organised and to my standard otherwise I just lose interest pretty quickly – all that in mind I decided my obsession with courgettes and aubergine were starting to get expensive and I still haven’t come across  spaghetti squash anywhere, so I took the plunge and bought some seeds. I then realised all these vegetables needed a ton of room – like a vegetable patch - so now what? Well, luckily I have some giant pots already on hand and now all I have to do is wait for those little seedlings to grow into mature plants, and then I can plant them into those same giant pots - and hope that I don’t grow some sort of beanstalk in the mean time.  It all sounds so easy right? - and with a little patience, hard work and tender loving care, it is – and I’m going to show you just how easy it is by documenting the process for you all folks with no garden, who want to grow your own fresh, organic vegetables. the moment I currently have; Courgette, Aubergine, Spaghetti Squash, Jalapeno and Chamomile growing very well – I also have a nice herb garden basket, which I’m pretty excited about – I’ve always wanted a herb garden and now I have one – hehe.

The germination period of my vegetables was a bit of an experiment, as I didn't have any soil at the time and it was getting late into spring, and those seeds needed to start germinating in time for the last frost – so I made a DIY propagator, from a plastic mushroom container – I lined it with cling film and wet cotton wool – placed my seeds on the cotton wool and then covered with more cling film and the lid – it was really that simple, and it worked – all my seeds sprouted and are now residing in some soil, quite happily.

Courgette, Aubergine and Jalapeno Seeds - Day 1
 For my spaghetti squash I sowed the seeds straight into some wet potting soil, covered with cling film and let them do their thing – five days later they’re all sprouted and catching up with my courgette plants – beanstalk alert. 

However, two of the most important elements that seeds need in the germination stage - apart from being kept moist - is darkness and heat, and since my vegetables – apart from spaghetti squash –weren't covered with soil they needed to be kept in a dark place which was heated - so what did I do? I improvised of course and kept them in my boiler shed – it’s a shed outside where the oil boiler is kept, it’s also dark and very warm – perfect for germinating seeds – as soon as the seeds sprouted they then needed light to create photosynthesis – I remembered that from school - and so I had to move them everyday into full sunlight and then return them to the warmth of the boiler shed in the evening - this process has also helped harden the seedlings, for when I need to move them out into the garden full time.

Overall I am very pleased with my little experiment and can’t wait to see the outcome of all my efforts and more importantly, use them in my cooking– fingers crossed. 

So what’s the moral of my story? The moral is...  that you don’t need high tech equipment, or a beautiful vegetable patch to grow your own fresh, organic vegetables, all you need is a little patience, common sense and improvisation when you need it, and before long you will be harvesting the fruits of your labour. I have a long way to go before I get to that stage but I am hopeful for my little seedlings future. 

Stay Tuned... 


Coffee & Walnut Waffles with Chocolate Coconut Cream

Since I was given my waffle maker for Easter by my Grandparents,  all I have done is make waffles for breakfast - gone are the days standing over a hot stove flipping pancakes - waffles are the way forward and they take no longer than 10 minutes to make- easy peasy. I have come up with some great waffle toppings lately, but this coffee and walnut recipe was one of my favourites, and topped with the chocolate coconut cream - I could have cried they made me that happy.

Coffee & Walnut Waffles, with Chocolate Coconut Cream
Heaven on a plate these waffles were and they were super low carb to go with it - about 8g. 
 So do you want the recipe? Ohhh go on then.

  • 1 - Free Range Egg 
  • 20g Coconut Flour
  • 2 tsp - Coffee Granules
  • Walnuts - as many as you like
  • 60-100ml -Almond Milk
  • 1/4 tsp - Baking Powder
  • 1/2 Lindt Square (Optional)
  • 1 tsp- Cocoa Powder
  • Unsalted Butter, or Coconut Oil
  • Heat up your Waffle Maker 
  • Beat the egg in a bowl and gradually add in the coconut flour and baking powder, then add in the almond milk and combine until the batter is smooth and lump free 
  • Add in the coffee and mix until there is no remaining coffee granules
  • Next crush the walnuts into smaller pieces and add those into the batter too.
  • Melt the butter, or oil in the microwave and whisk into the pancake batter
  • Grease the waffle maker thoroughly then spoon in your batter starting from the centre. 
  • When the waffles are cooking melt the chocolate in the microwave, on a low heat 
  • Combine the cocoa powder with the coconut cream 
  • Plate the waffles, top with the cream and drizzle with the chocolate
  • Enjoy!!
It's really just that simple!
Feel free to pin any of my recipes and leave a comment - I look forward to hearing from you. 

Until next time...


Anyone for Hot Dogs? Sausages in an Omelette Wrap

Now and again I get a craving for things that are not so good for me - sometimes I cave and other times I find an alternative, this was one of those times. These Hot Dogs were pretty good and I added all the usual Hot Dog trimmings, the only difference was - they were in an omelette wrap instead of your usual Hot Dog bun, and I must say...they turned out great! The best part about these Hot Dogs was that they were very easy to eat and weren't messy -much - they are also pretty straight forward to make - if you can make an omelette, you can make these Hot Dogs. My Hot Dogs - like everything else on this blog - were vegetarian, but for all you meat lovers out there you can obviously use which ever type of sausage you prefer and that way it will be even more low carb than mine - maybe even 0 carb. I also topped these Hot Dogs with my Homemade Tomato Ketchup, which I made back in January from The Ketodiet app - although it tastes my version tastes more like Brown sauce - no idea why.

Sausage in Omelette with Toppings 
I'm quite pleased with my idea - I'm not sure if its been done before but the ideas I have genuinely come from my own nogging, if its already out there its nothing I've seen before - scouts honour. I actually had this idea after my Strawberry Egg Wraps, which I made a few months ago - I figured if I could use Strawberries, then I could use Sausages, and I was right. 

Hot Dogs in an Omelette Wrap
I know I'm not impressing you with my photography skills with these images - I'm not impressing myself if I'm honest, but all the photos on my blog are taken with my own fair hands - my Ipad to be precise, I'm just too lazy to charge my camera - I'd rather cook instead - hehe. 

Inside of the Omelette Wrap.
I guess you could even make the omelettes smaller and use them like an actual Hot Dog bun, rather than a wrap. 

Yield - 1-2 Servings 
  • 2 - Free Range Eggs 
  • 2 - Sausages - I used Quorn Vegetarian Sausages which have 5g carbs each.
  • Chives
  • Mustard
  • Ketchup
  • Fried Onions 
  • Cheddar 
  • Unsalted butter, or Ghee. 
  • Himalayan Salt 

  • Heat a non stick frying pan on a low heat,  with oil and beat the eggs in a bowl with the chives and salt 
  • Place half the mixture into the frying pan and whisk until the bottom of the omelette is cooked, when the top looks less runny - flip. Do the same for the other omelette and then place them on a cooling rack
  • Cook your sausages and onions in a frying pan, then place on the omelette top with your ingredients and Enjoy! 
Another easy, simple recipe for all you busy Ketoers. 


Chocolate Dipped, Coconut Macaroons

Over the past few months I have seen people in the Keto/Paleo community going scatty for coconut macaroons, and it had me wondering what all the fuss was about – of course sugar is forbidden on both the Keto and Paleo diets so getting in a satisfying treat can be quite tricky, and I wasn’t entirely convinced that these coconut macaroons would do the job when I needed something sweet to eat. I tried coconut macaroons a few years ago and I wasn't very fussed on the taste, or texture – I wouldn't say I disliked them, they just simply didn’t appeal to me as much as – a chocolate bounty would. After deliberating whether these coconutty treats would be worth the effort and extra expense I decided to give a go, and if all else failed – the dog could enjoy them. 
Before heading off to the kitchen I did a quick Google search and was surprised to discover that coconut macaroons are in fact made from egg whites and again I deliberated whether these delights would be worth it – after all I’d never beaten an egg white before in my life, and I’d heard a few stories about how much work it is, and how it can often go wrong – but I figured I had the ingredients and the instructions seemed simple enough  - so I did it – and they worked perfectly. 


These coconut macaroons were everything I wasn’t expecting - they were; chewy, moist and full of flavour – however, they could have done with a little extra sweetening, but other than that they were a good first effort. The best part about this whole recipe is that it wasn't at all difficult – not even whipping those egg whites, and it only took me about 30 mins to prepare and cook these delicious coconut macaroons – yes you heard right -30 minutes – which makes me extra happy that I went ahead and made the coconut macaroons, because now I have a quick backup if ever that sweet tooth catches me off guard. These coconut macaroons were so good, that even my fussy family members enjoyed them – one even went as far to say – “they were bloody lovely” – which did put a smile on my miserable face – another said – “they looked so real” – well yeah, that’s because they are – except without all the extra nasties that come along with pre-packaged, processed foods – which these coconut macaroons are most certainly not. Just see for yourself.
Chocolate Dipped, Coconut Macaroons

Bread for the Sandwich Lover

Do you ever get those cravings for sandwiches that are just so profound that all you end up doing is dreaming of sandwiches, and thinking of different ways you could eat that damn sandwich? Of course you do, we were all born and raised on sandwiches –packed lunches to picnics we were all stuffing the deliciously, fluffy slices of baked dough with countless ingredients; cheese and onion, ploughman’s, meat and salad – the list is endless. So when this carby creation is no longer permitted, in order for us all to drop a few pounds, and lead a healthier lifestyle – what do you eat?
Over the months that I have been following Ketosis I have tried all ways to find bread that is free from a multitude of ingredients that are deemed ‘unhealthy’ - gluten free; grain free; starch free; sugar free, wheat free –  and then realised this is free from everything that makes bread, which makes it impossible to find– so no bread for me – until today. Today I used my 25 year old noggin to create something so epic and heavenly I could almost hear the choir of angels and their ‘ahhhhh’s’ when I plated it up –stood back – and admired my masterful creation – a sandwich. 
Bread for the Sandwich Lover

This sandwich wasn’t just any old sandwich, it was a homemade; gluten free, starch free, sugar free, wheat free, grain free sandwich – yes it was free from everything that makes bread and yet I made bread - So how did I do it?

Firstly I will start by adding that this recipe is everything you need in a sandwich - and free from everything that we are led to believe is ‘unhealthy – it holds the contents of the ingredients securely, it doesn’t break apart when you pick it up to eat, it’s not dry in texture – it’s just utter perfection – and I am so proud and excited for coming up with the idea – although I’m sure it’s probably been done before - however, this is my recipe 
for it.


Coconut Sweet Egg Wraps, with Strawberries

I was home alone again today which meant there was no one to get under my feet, or hover around me while I was cooking – this makes it so much easier to come up with new, different ideas for meals, and it also makes cooking that extra bit more enjoyable. This morning I fancied something a little different from my usual pancakes, or eggs for breakfast - and I had a ton of Strawberries in the fridge which I’d bought in the week that were slowly expiring – that’s when I concocted this delicious coconut sweet egg wrap recipe. I was a bit nervous to eat the sweetened eggs, as it is essentially a sweet omelette but I was feeling adventurous today, and since I'm as useless as a chocolate teapot when it comes to making pancake crepes, I opted for the omelette wrap – and my experimenting didn't fail me. Since beginning my weight loss journey the one ingredient which I have fallen in love with is – coconut. Coconut oil, coconut cream, coconut flour – I love it all and I especially love adding it to my sweet desserts, or breakfasts – so that’s exactly what I did today. While this recipe was delicious, I will admit that the sweetened egg wraps weren't especially sweet – which meant that there was a slight eggy taste, but nothing overbearing - although I think next time I make the egg wraps, I will add some vanilla, or a touch more sweetener. These coconut egg wraps were completely paleo and low carb – even with the strawberries

Coconut Sweet Egg Wraps with Strawberries. 

Yield2 Servings
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp Desiccated Coconut
  • 2 tbsp Coconut Cream
  • 2 tbsp Almond Milk
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Low Carb Sweetener
  • Coconut Oil

  • Beat eggs with the salt in a bowl and slowly whisk in the almond milk, low carb sweetener and desiccated coconut.
  • In a non stick or cast iron pan melt some coconut oil on a low heat and then ladle in some of the egg mixture
  • Whisk the egg mixture in the pan until the bottom is cooked and the top of the egg wrap no longer looks runny, flip and cook the other side of the egg wrap – cook the other egg wrap the same way.
  • When the egg wraps are cooked place them on a wire rack to cool and then start loading them with strawberries and coconut cream – pull both sides of the egg wraps over the strawberries and coconut cream, garnish with more desiccated coconut and serve.
  • If you wanted extra sweetness you can drizzle with maple syrup.



Low Carb Coleslaw

Low Carb Coleslaw
Lately I have been craving coleslaw like a mad woman, but I can never find a healthy option - one that doesn't contain a bunch of unknown ingredients - so I had the notion of making coleslaw myself. At first I thought it would be tricky making my own low carb coleslaw - if at all possible for coleslaw to be low carb- and I thought it would involve a lot of different ingredients - and while some recipes I found did - the majority were basic - which you all know I love. After finding a few recipes on google, which I thought were relatively easy I tweaked them ever so slightly, and then simplified it by a lot. Basically this low carb coleslaw is idiot proof - even the biggest idiot in the world - me - could do it, and if your great at tossing things in a bowl and mixing, this recipe is for you. As this was my first time making low carb coleslaw I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, and so I opted to use a generic, store bought mayonnaise, but after googling a few mayonnaise recipes and realising how easy it actually is, I think I will make it all from scratch next time. I made this low carb coleslaw last weekend - it's now Saturday and it's still fine to eat - although it has turned the mayonnaise a lovely shade of purple - visually interesting for kids maybe? I'm not just saying this but the low carb coleslaw is actually the best I've tasted - I think simple wins the race here - it's very creamy and delicious - but like everything else in life - it can always be improved. So that's enough waffling - now for the low carb coleslaw recipe.

Yield - 7-8 Servings (50g serving)


  • 1 bag of Coleslaw Mix 
  • 128g - Full Fat Mayonnaise 
  • 20ml - Double Cream 
  • 20ml - Apple Cider Vinegar (or vinegar of choice)
  • Parsley 
  • Mustard Seeds (or real mustard)
  • Himalayan Salt.
  • Toss the bag of coleslaw mix in a bowl and combine with all ingredients 
Can't get any easier than that can it? Like I said next time I make this I'm going to be experimenting with making my own mayonnaise - but keeping it simple, as always. 


Strawberries & Cream

When I was a kid - which wasn't too long ago - ahem - I used to love sitting down with a big bowl of Strawberries and Cream to watch Wimbledon on the tv - little did I know I would be calling it healthy a few years later, eating it for Breakfast, and reminiscing about how I used to enjoy it as a child. Ahh... those were the days. These days I don't enjoy the tennis and just eat it whilst catching up on grown up programs like - Nashville - which is what I watched while I devoured this bowl of, fruity deliciousness. It's pretty simple like everything else on my blog, and it probably doesn't warrant an actual blog post to explain how to make it since its pretty straight forward, but I like to think of my blog as a big recipe book - since I'll probably never have a real recipe book, at least my recipes are being shared some how. Strawberries and Cream can easily be enjoyed for breakfast, or as a dessert, or simply as a snack in the Summer - or any other season.
Anyhoo... here it is

Strawberries & Cream 

  • 100g - Strawberries 
  • 60ml - Double Cream, or Extra Thick Double Cream - which is what I used
  • Flaked Almonds 
  • Low Carb Sweetener 


  • Chop, or slice the Strawberries and place in a bowl 
  • If you use Double cream whip the cream and low carb sweetener with a mixer, or - what I use - milk frother - it really does work. Don't whip extra thick double cream, it turns thin.
  • Top the Strawberries with the Double cream and flaked almonds, a bit more sweetener if you'd like and then Enjoy. 
Simple you don't even have to whip the cream, you can just pour all over the Strawberries and enjoy it that way. 

Creamy Garlic, Courgette Zoodles

I have been looking forward to eating this since I planned it on Friday – it has everything I need to be satisfied on the last day of my fat fast – it’s; creamy, cheesy and delicious – and I could not wait to tuck in – and it literally took about 10 minutes to prepare and cook. I find these types of recipes to be quite useful for people with busy lives – and not so busy people alike – but my point is – if you want to eat healthy but feel like you don’t have time to prepare anything – then this is the recipe for you. Like my previous post on Courgette Zoodles – this Creamy Courgette Zoodle dish can be served; warm, or cold, or even re-heated – which is perfect for a lunch break at work – or even for the kids at school – just simply add in more veggies -- or even some form of meat. The best thing about these Courgette Zoodles is that -- like the Spaghetti, and Noodles -- you can twirl them around your fork too -- this is why people love them.
Courgette Zoodles, mimicking real Noodles. 
As most of you probably know by now -- I like my recipes quick and easy, and this concoction was perfect for some healthy comfort food. It has approximately 3g of Carbs and 26g of Fat with 312 calories. What more can you ask for?

Creamy Garlic, Courgette Zoodles. 

Yields – 1-2 Servings

  • 1 Courgette (130g)
  • 45g - Plain Cream Cheese ( you can add more if you want it creamier)
  • 1 tbsp –Double Cream
  • 20g – Parmesan
  • 1 – Garlic Clove
  • 1-2 tsp Basil.
  • Pinch of Himalayan Salt 

  • Prepare the Courgette Zoodles with either your spiralizer, or julienne peeler
  • Place the Zoodles in a frying pan with a little bit of water and let them soften a little.
  • Next add the garlic and basil and sauté until the Zoodles start to soften more - they still need a bit of crunch.
  • Add the cream cheese, double cream, and some of the Parmesan, and combine with the Zoodles.
  • When everything is hot – plate up – garnish with Parmesan -- add more basil and serve immediately 
And that's, that, a; simple, quick, and delicious recipe – which can be prepared and cooked in 10 minutes. Perfect. I actually loved this recipe so much that I think I'm going to experiment a little with it when my carb intake is higher, and make it more nutritiously stable, such as; adding in more veggies and protein – so watch this space folks. 


Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad.

A few weeks ago -- when I climbed that monstrous mountain – Pen-Y-Fan – the weather in Wales was quite warm – or warm for Wales – and it felt like Summer wasn't too far away. Around that time I wasn't feeling like cooking much, and fancied something Summery – so I came up with this Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad. I'm always anxious when I come up with new recipes because I don’t want to be let down by my own cooking, so I wasn't expecting much from this Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad – but it was surprisingly delicious – and a definite keeper for my low carb meal plan. Before I get started Zoodles are what people in the low carb and Keto community use instead of spaghetti – again I wasn't expecting much from these when I first tried them, but they are very tasty when cooked – I wasn't a fan of them raw. There are two ways in which you can make Zoodles;
  1. You can buy a gadget called a spiralizer – which I find to be quite expensive and I've heard of some people having trouble with them
  2.  An easier, cheaper method is a julienne peeler – which is the method I use. 
Julienne Peeler

Either way both methods produce neat looking noodles – or Zoodles as their better known as. I'm not sure if this recipe has been done before – I haven’t really looked online for anything similar – but when I created this Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad I had the idea of pesto pasta in mind – which I love.

Melt in Your Mouth - Aubergine Parmigiana

One of the recipes that I am most proud of making throughout this fat fast was this delicious Aubergine Parmigiana – I have made this recipe a dozen times but it has never tasted as good, as it did last night – when I was starving. The recipe came out at 5g of Carbs which was perfect for my fat fast, and it was also the lowest carb that I have ever made it – it was also super low calorie coming out at a surprising – 274 Calories. I will say that I was so hungry that I couldn’t enjoy it to its fullest potential, but it was still melt in your mouth good.

Melt in your Mouth -- Aubergine Parmigiana
An Aubergine Parmigiana is an Italian vegetarian dish –also known as Aubergine Melanzane, or, Melanzane alla Parmigiana – and it’s basically shallow frying the aubergine in oil, or butter and then baking it with layered Parmesan and tomato sauce. As I was sticking to 1000 calories I skipped the shallow frying part and just went straight to baking it, but I would usually fry the Aubergine in butter – but be warned this vegetable sucks up oil like a thirsty camel – so be prepared to use A LOT of oil.
I first started making this at the start of my Keto journey and I have been obsessed with it ever since – literally I have it once, sometimes twice a week – I love it – however, it usually adds up to over 600 calories a serving – now you can see why I’m proud of this recipe. The Aubergine Parmigiana is relatively easy to prepare, but does require nearly an hour of cooking – so it’s best to start this an hour before your ready to eat.

Yield 1 Serving
  • 110g – Aubergine
  • 65g – Passata
  • 55g – Parmesan Reggiano
  • 75g – Spinach
  • 1 tsp – Basil
  • 1 – Garlic Clove
  • Himalayan Salt 

  • Slice the aubergine into thin slices – not too thin about 1cm thick
  • Place the slices on a chopping board, or plate and cover with Himalayan Salt, and place another plate, or board on top – This will draw out any excess moisture and prevent the Aubergine from being bitter – Leave the Aubergine for about 20 minutes
  • Wash all the Salt off the Aubergine and dry them with a lint free tea towel, or some kitchen paper.
  • Place a few slices at the bottom of an ovenproof dish, with some Spinach and then cover with some Parmesan Reggiano – Continue this step until you have no ingredients left, but save some Parmesan for the top.
  • Mix the Basil and Garlic with the Pasatta Sauce and pour over the top of the Aubergine – You can also make your own tomato sauce if you preferred – but I find there is nothing wrong with carton Pasatta if it’s purely tomatoes and no other nasty ingredients.
  • Finish the dish with the rest of the Parmesan and cover with tin foil.
  • Place in the oven for 45-60 minutes – at a temperature of 180°c – Check the dish every so often as the tomato sauce can dry up and burn – if this happens turn the oven down and increase the length of time for the Aubergine Parmigiana to cook. 
Serve with a small salad, or vegetables. 


Day 3: Fat Fast

Since I have been carrying out this fat fast for the past three days I have come to learn quite a few things about myself. I’ve learned that 1000 calories a day is definitely not for me anymore , and that it is certainly not a healthy way of living – 1000 calories a day does not allow you that much food whilst eating mostly fat -- it’s also not a very healthy way to live long term – thankfully over the past year my thinking has changed dramatically and I’m all about feeding my body with all the nutrients it needs, rather than starving myself to lose weight – which is not why I was doing the fat fast in the first place. I’ve learned that if I do not eat a lot of food at regular intervals throughout the day, I turn into the devil woman – not pretty. Lastly, I have learned that carrying out stupid little fads like this fat fast is certainly not for me and I most definitely will not be doing such a thing ever again – it’s just not worth it in my opinion and experience. Am I glad that I did the fat fast? Yes – because I now know a lot more about myself than I did three days ago – had I not undergone the fat fast I would have proceeded to believe that weight loss was more important than feeding my body with the correct nutrients. Overall, I take my hat off to those people who are determined enough to carry out the fat fast for more than three days – it needs serious determination – which I no longer have when it comes to starving myself – because whether you want to believe it, or not – that’s exactly what a fat fast is. I can’t believe for one second that anyone who experiments with a fat fast can feel at all satisfied with the little food that they are supposed to eat – yes, I felt satisfied when I had my Breakfast and Dinner, but the hours in between those two meals were torture, and all I could think about was food – which isn’t healthy – and like I mentioned in a previous post – I would rather not eat all than separate every meal into 250 calories – that’s pretty impossible in my opinion and I’m pretty sure it would be mainly snacks, instead of real meals since I don’t eat meat – or land meat anyway.

Peanut Butter Fatbombs

These Peanut Butter Fatbombs are another recipe which I made on Thursday – along with my Keto ‘Bounty’ Chocolate – which was also quite fabulous. The Peanut Butter Fatbombs are as easy, as easy can get, as there are only three ingredients – yes you heard right – three ingredients.

Peanut Butter Fatbombs

Yield – 4 Fatbombs

  • 30g Plain Cream Cheese
  • 30g Natural Peanut Butter
  • 30g Organic, or Grass-fed Butter

  • Store your ingredients at room temperature, or you can soften them in the microwave just before you make the Peanut Butter Fatbombs.
  • Combine the Butter and Cream Cheese in a bowl, then add the Peanut Butter,and combine thoroughly. 
  • Place the mixture into an ice cube tray, or sweet moulds and then freeze them. 
And there you have it – Peanut Butter Fatbombs – it’s as simple, as that.



Day 1: Fat Fast

Today was the very first day of attempting a fat fast and I must say it went better than I anticipated – although food was the only thing on my mind for the entire day, and I did feel very deprived -- which is how I guess you’re supposed to feel on a 1000 calories a day -- For those who are unfamiliar with a fat fast you can read my last post and the reasons behind this madness - here

What is a fat fast?
A fat fast is exactly that -- a fast with the main source of food being fat -- sounds disgusting right? It's really not that bad I promise.  Basically, a fat fast is 1000 calories a day for 3-5 days, while keeping your carbs and protein as low as possible.

Why do people do it? 
Some people do a fat fast because its a guaranteed way of losing weight if you have been stuck at a plateau for a month, or longer. Others -- like myself -- do it purely to get back into Ketosis quicker after a carb refeed. The fat fast isn't for everyone though and it is a pretty harsh way to go about losing a few pounds, but it does work -- although I have heard that people put it all back on when they start eating their normal diet again -- so I'm not entirely sure if it's worth it -- I guess I'll find out Monday.

So how did my first day on the fat fast really go?

Before I started my fat fast and to be sure I was ready to get back into Ketosis --and stay in it for the foreseeable future, I needed to make sure that all the food cravings were out of my system, so on Thursday I gave up the calorie counting for the day and ate whatever I felt like – and eat is exactly what I did. I scoffed near half a box of Guylian Beligian chocolates – which I’d received as a gift for Christmas – I had no regrets other than I ate them too quickly, and boy did I enjoy them – then to finish off my day I had Fish and Chips – which again I thoroughly enjoyed and had no regrets about eating – I had been dreaming about these fish and chips for months so it was like a party in my mouth when I finally got to eat them. 

Fish and Chips

The best looking food in the whole wide world -- that's what I think anyway -- man I wish I was eating that plate of starchy, high carb deliciousness again. 

Keto 'Bounty' Chocolate

I have been meaning to try this Keto Bounty Chocolate recipe for some time now, but I find every time I cook I have people hovering over me and watching my every move – which I hate – I prefer a quiet house with no interruptions so I can do my thing and get food creative – which is exactly what I had today, and so I made Keto Bounty Chocolate. Again – like all the recipes on this blog, there were few ingredients used and it was also really simple to make, and tasted really good -- although nothing like the real Bounty chocolate.  So, I got the original recipe from here and then adapted it a little to make it lower carb and fewer calories for you all – basically I halved the original recipe  and replaced the dark chocolate – which I didn't have – with cocoa powder. Simple! 

And here you have it - Keto 'Bounty' Chocolate. 

Keto 'Bounty' Chocolate 

 I do feel like this is more of a fudge than actual chocolate, because I had to use the cocoa powder rather than a bar of dark chocolate -- so maybe I will try it again someday with the dark chocolate and compare both attempts. I was happy with how this turned out -- although I do need to work on presentation and my photography skills (grimace) but a good effort I think. 

High Carb Day - Creamy Tomato & Basil Tagliatelle

For the last three days I have been indulging in some serious high carbs; rice, pasta, sweet potatoes, wholemeal bread – the works, and – for the most part – I've enjoyed it. However, before face-planting a plate of pasta I promised myself that I would eat ‘clean’ carbs throughout this process and that any junk food was a complete no go – this obviously was a complete fail on my part, as within a few hours of being out of Ketosis I scoffed nearly half a tin of biscuits – yes really – I quickly became quite disappointed in myself and felt such shame and regret at the prospect of the food crime that I had just committed. Thankfully I recognised all the feelings and thoughts of my eating disorder before it could fully take a hold of me, but it was awful having those feelings again after being quite secure in both myself and the progress I have made in the last year – it made me realise just how sad I was before I found the myfitnesspal app and the support and encouragement I had from the people I found on that site in order to proceed and continue to be successful with my weight loss – I owe a lot to those people.

However, the main reason for my high carb day(s) were for my muscles – the pain I was getting from working out every day was just unbearable and something had to give – fortunately the high carb day(s) has resolved this issue and it would seem - for now – the glycogen levels have been restored to my sorry muscles. I will be continuing my high carb day(s) until the end of tomorrow (Thursday) and then I will be getting myself back into Ketosis and eating strict Keto until the Summer – not before I finish this high carb day(s) in style by devouring some British Fish ‘n’ Chips – yes go hard, or go home right? I'm also hoping that this four day high carb day(s) will kick-start my weight loss again, as I have been quite unsuccessful with dropping the pounds and inches lately –fingers crossed.
Anyway, all that said and done let’s move on to the awesome pasta dish I made this evening – Creamy tomato and basil pasta – it was awesome – if I do say so myself.  I know this pasta isn't Keto but I thought I would post it anyway because I’m sure I’m not the only person in the world who cheat’s whilst on Keto and needs some decent meal ideas – I know I needed Google to remember what high carb looked like.

Carb Reload - Day Three

I have been doing a bit of research this week on muscle soreness after a workout, whilst doing Keto and I was shocked that I couldn't find anything on it. After the way I have been feeling for the last couple of months I was positive I would be able to find other people who were suffering with the same issue as me - severe muscle soreness which lasts for a week, sometimes more - obviously this prevents me from being consistent with my workouts, as the pain is just unbearable - to the point of wanting to cry - it's really not fun. Whilst researching my issue I came across something related to glycogen and continued to read that people who follow the keto lifestyle should refuel their glycogen levels every two weeks -  I tried a once a week high carb day for a month, which sucked because I was always in and out of ketosis. Anyway,  it got me thinking that maybe my muscles are lacking in glycogen which is the cause of my week long muscle soreness - it would explain a lot - I found the only problem with restoring the muscles glycogen levels is that it requires a high carb day, once, or twice a week and this would mean being continuously in and out of ketosis - which would kill me - obviously not literally but I'd end up wanting to die -  the only way to really restore the glycogen levels is by eating grains - which I have cut out. So why not stock up on plenty of fruits and vegetables I hear you ask? Well, apparently you would need a significant amount of both fruits and vegetables in order to consume enough glycogen for the muscles, where as eating complex carbs would be easier and quicker. After reading this I contemplated paleo - then realised it's pretty similar to keto -only stricter - so now I'm contemplating TKD ( Targeted Ketosis Diet) - this would actually be easier to follow and since I will be starting Insanity at the end of this month, I think introducing complex carbs back into my diet for the glycogen would be the intelligent thing to do since the workouts are insanely intense and I can't afford to miss days because of my muscles being weak, and not healing quick enough to continue with the program. I'm not sure how I am going to go about this as of yet but I think eating 50g more carbs before my workout should be enough to fuel the ole muscles through the workout and then hopefully by the end I would be back in ketosis - no side effects. I'm literally at my wits end with feeling so crappy and not being able to move properly for days - also not being able to workout sucks, so I am willing to try this method in the hope I benefit from it. I'm definitely not going to be throwing in the towel with Keto - my post workouts meals will be Keto/Low Carb, as I do enjoy eating foods in their natural, raw state and since eating keto I have become a lot more creative in the kitchen, also my cooking skills have improved - which is definitely a good thing - I love to cook and eating keto makes me cook and doesn't allow me to be lazy.

Cheesy Cauliflower & Onion Pie

Growing up I loved to eat –Cheese and Potato Pie and the more cheese the pie had the better. It's a wonderful comfort food for those; cold, rainy, winter nights where all you want to do is; cwtch up under a duvet, eat and watch TV. So what do you do when you want comfort food but all grains and starches are a no–no on your diet? Well, you improvise of course– and that’s exactly what I did today - and came up with this - Cheesy Cauliflower Pie -  and I must say I enjoyed every mouthful – I actually didn't want to finish it, it was just delicious, packed with flavour, and had lots of Extra Mature Cheese - which is the key ingredient here. 

Again this recipe is really simple to make - it is a bit time consuming faffing around with the cauliflower but I promise you it's worth it. 

Cheesy Cauliflower Pie
Looks delicious doesn't it? It is quite high carb if your on a super low carbohydrate diet, but you can always reduce the amount of Cauliflower you use. 

Yield - 1 Serving 

  • 360g - Cauliflower Florets
  • 45g White Onion 
  • Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese ( or any cheese of choice)
  • 15g - Grassfed Butter
  • 2-tbsp Almond Milk 
  • 1 Garlic Clove 
  • Parsley 
  • Himalayan salt 
  • Ground Pepper
  • Boil the Cauliflower in a saucepan with the salt, when the cauliflower starts to boil add the chopped onion - do not stir otherwise you won't be able to fish out the onions
  • When the Cauliflower and Onions have boiled, separate the Onions from the Cauliflower and drain. 
  • Return the Cauliflower back to the heat and mash with a potato masher until the Cauliflower is fluffy and most of the water has gone.
  • Add the butter and combine with the Cauliflower.
  • Next add the garlic, pepper, parsley and more salt if you need it and then blend into a purée with the almond milk 
  • Add back the onions and cheese to the Cauliflower, then place into an oven-proof dish and cook in the oven for 25 minutes on 200°c - if the top hasn't browned after this time then put under the grill for a few minutes. 
Serve Immediately and Enjoy.


Macro for Cheesy Cauliflower & Onion Pie

