Carb Reload - Day Three

I have been doing a bit of research this week on muscle soreness after a workout, whilst doing Keto and I was shocked that I couldn't find anything on it. After the way I have been feeling for the last couple of months I was positive I would be able to find other people who were suffering with the same issue as me - severe muscle soreness which lasts for a week, sometimes more - obviously this prevents me from being consistent with my workouts, as the pain is just unbearable - to the point of wanting to cry - it's really not fun. Whilst researching my issue I came across something related to glycogen and continued to read that people who follow the keto lifestyle should refuel their glycogen levels every two weeks -  I tried a once a week high carb day for a month, which sucked because I was always in and out of ketosis. Anyway,  it got me thinking that maybe my muscles are lacking in glycogen which is the cause of my week long muscle soreness - it would explain a lot - I found the only problem with restoring the muscles glycogen levels is that it requires a high carb day, once, or twice a week and this would mean being continuously in and out of ketosis - which would kill me - obviously not literally but I'd end up wanting to die -  the only way to really restore the glycogen levels is by eating grains - which I have cut out. So why not stock up on plenty of fruits and vegetables I hear you ask? Well, apparently you would need a significant amount of both fruits and vegetables in order to consume enough glycogen for the muscles, where as eating complex carbs would be easier and quicker. After reading this I contemplated paleo - then realised it's pretty similar to keto -only stricter - so now I'm contemplating TKD ( Targeted Ketosis Diet) - this would actually be easier to follow and since I will be starting Insanity at the end of this month, I think introducing complex carbs back into my diet for the glycogen would be the intelligent thing to do since the workouts are insanely intense and I can't afford to miss days because of my muscles being weak, and not healing quick enough to continue with the program. I'm not sure how I am going to go about this as of yet but I think eating 50g more carbs before my workout should be enough to fuel the ole muscles through the workout and then hopefully by the end I would be back in ketosis - no side effects. I'm literally at my wits end with feeling so crappy and not being able to move properly for days - also not being able to workout sucks, so I am willing to try this method in the hope I benefit from it. I'm definitely not going to be throwing in the towel with Keto - my post workouts meals will be Keto/Low Carb, as I do enjoy eating foods in their natural, raw state and since eating keto I have become a lot more creative in the kitchen, also my cooking skills have improved - which is definitely a good thing - I love to cook and eating keto makes me cook and doesn't allow me to be lazy.

All that said, I'm now on my third day of  the carb re-load and I am feeling 100% better than I have been for the last couple of months; I have so much energy, I fall asleep a lot quicker, and most importantly - I no longer ache after a workout - this is exactly what I was hoping would happen, as I have been able to workout for days in a row - it's been bliss being able to move without pain. The carb re-load will continue until midnight tomorrow (Thursday) and then I will do a fat fast - or as close to a fat fast as I can manage, being Vegetarian/Pescatarian. Before I started this carb re-load I had every intention of eating 'clean' carbs and no junk food - and for the most part I stuck to that but I did indulge in a few biscuits - OK - the whole tin of biscuits and ate some chocolate - in for a penny and all that - I felt such utter regret and shame that I allowed myself to lose control in that way, which then made me realise how obsessed with healthy eating I have become and that a few tell-tale eating disorder thoughts and signs were creeping back in. Overall, I am glad that I've had this break from Keto as I was becoming obsessed with it all and reading labels - which isn't a bad thing- but for someone with eating disorder tendencies it's quite troubling. Tomorrow I will end my carb re-load with some Fish and Chips with a ton of tomato ketchup and then I will proceed to go ahead with my intention of a fat fast on Friday and through the weekend - I will explain what a fat fast is in my next post.


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