Bread for the Sandwich Lover

Do you ever get those cravings for sandwiches that are just so profound that all you end up doing is dreaming of sandwiches, and thinking of different ways you could eat that damn sandwich? Of course you do, we were all born and raised on sandwiches –packed lunches to picnics we were all stuffing the deliciously, fluffy slices of baked dough with countless ingredients; cheese and onion, ploughman’s, meat and salad – the list is endless. So when this carby creation is no longer permitted, in order for us all to drop a few pounds, and lead a healthier lifestyle – what do you eat?
Over the months that I have been following Ketosis I have tried all ways to find bread that is free from a multitude of ingredients that are deemed ‘unhealthy’ - gluten free; grain free; starch free; sugar free, wheat free –  and then realised this is free from everything that makes bread, which makes it impossible to find– so no bread for me – until today. Today I used my 25 year old noggin to create something so epic and heavenly I could almost hear the choir of angels and their ‘ahhhhh’s’ when I plated it up –stood back – and admired my masterful creation – a sandwich. 
Bread for the Sandwich Lover

This sandwich wasn’t just any old sandwich, it was a homemade; gluten free, starch free, sugar free, wheat free, grain free sandwich – yes it was free from everything that makes bread and yet I made bread - So how did I do it?

Firstly I will start by adding that this recipe is everything you need in a sandwich - and free from everything that we are led to believe is ‘unhealthy – it holds the contents of the ingredients securely, it doesn’t break apart when you pick it up to eat, it’s not dry in texture – it’s just utter perfection – and I am so proud and excited for coming up with the idea – although I’m sure it’s probably been done before - however, this is my recipe 
for it.


Yield – 1 Serving

  • 1 Egg
  • 15g – Coconut Flour
  • 60ml Almond Milk (any other milk)
  • 15g Grass-fed Butter
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Chives (I used dried because my garden chives haven’t produced very much yet)

  • Beat the egg with the salt, chives and milk
  • Add in the coconut flour and gently combine until there are no lumps and the batter is lump free – if the batter looks too thick then add more milk
  • Next melt some of the butter in a non-stick, or cast iron skillet – on a low heat.
  • When the butter starts sizzling, slowly ladle in half of the bread batter to the size you require for your sandwich
  • You will notice that the top of the pancake will start to bubble and slowly look like it’s drying, when this happens flip your bread and cook the other side – use the same method for your other slice of bread.

  • When both slices of bread are cooked, place them on a wire rack to cool 

  • Next  prepare your sandwich ingredients – I used; Cheese and Salad with mayo and yellow mustard – simple but seriously good. 

  • Now all you have to do is layer your ingredients on your sandwich and eat. It’s just that simple.




  1. Replies
    1. Your Welcome! :) Let me know what you think when you make it! :)
