Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad.

A few weeks ago -- when I climbed that monstrous mountain – Pen-Y-Fan – the weather in Wales was quite warm – or warm for Wales – and it felt like Summer wasn't too far away. Around that time I wasn't feeling like cooking much, and fancied something Summery – so I came up with this Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad. I'm always anxious when I come up with new recipes because I don’t want to be let down by my own cooking, so I wasn't expecting much from this Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad – but it was surprisingly delicious – and a definite keeper for my low carb meal plan. Before I get started Zoodles are what people in the low carb and Keto community use instead of spaghetti – again I wasn't expecting much from these when I first tried them, but they are very tasty when cooked – I wasn't a fan of them raw. There are two ways in which you can make Zoodles;
  1. You can buy a gadget called a spiralizer – which I find to be quite expensive and I've heard of some people having trouble with them
  2.  An easier, cheaper method is a julienne peeler – which is the method I use. 
Julienne Peeler

Either way both methods produce neat looking noodles – or Zoodles as their better known as. I'm not sure if this recipe has been done before – I haven’t really looked online for anything similar – but when I created this Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad I had the idea of pesto pasta in mind – which I love.

The Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad is really easy to follow – just like all my other recipes and requires very little cooking time – if any cooking at all – as you can eat this Zoodle salad; raw, warm, or cold, and I think it would be perfect for a Summer barbecue – although I would have killed to be able to have had some crusty bread to wipe up all the excess olive oil and herbs – a girl can dream.

Citrusy Courgette Zoodle Salad 

Yield 1-2 Servings

  • ½ Pack of Quorn Chicken Fillet Strips (or chicken)
  • 1 Courgette (about 100-120g)
  • 40g – Cucumber
  • 25g – Red Onion
  • 60g – Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1 – Garlic Clove
  • 1-2 tsp – Basil
  • 1 tbsp – Olive Oil
  • 20g – Parmesan
  • Lemon Juice

  • Sprialize, or peel your courgette and place them in a boil of Salted water for a few minutes – Don’t let them completely cook.
Courgette Zoodles
  • Chop up all your salad vegetables
  • Next heat some of the olive oil in a frying pan and toss the Courgette Zoodles with the garlic, basil and some lemon juice.
  • When your Courgette Zoodles are to your liking and there’s no excess moisture – plate them up.
  • Now add the salad vegetables, Quorn Chicken Fillet Strips – or chicken – and garnish with some Parmesan, Basil, and Lemon juice
NB: If you want to make this dish more high fat – you can serve with; boiled eggs, more Parmesan, or add more olive oil. 


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