The Best Creamy Cauliflower Cheese Ever Made.

I've been quite busy the last few days so I haven't had time to come online and post this recipe, but since it was the best Cauliflower Cheese that I have ever made, I felt I needed to dedicate a post especially to the pure deliciousness that I enjoyed a few days ago. This Cauliflower Cheese has it all; full fat, low carb, creamy, buttery and cheesy - what more can you ask for? How about the recipe? Be patient young grasshoppers. 

The only versions of Cauliflower Cheese I have ever tried is a crappy frozen version - which was low-fat (gasp) - I know. I went through that phase too where I thought fat was the devil and low-fat was the way to a healthier lifestyle - I will never make that mistake again. The second time I tried it, it was my own recipe and this was the outcome. 

Cauliflower Cheese, Straight from the Oven
Look at all that yummy fat, floating on top. Mmm... Isn't it just amazing that we can enjoy this meal and still lose weight, whilst still being healthy? Because even though it’s difficult to wrap your head around - this is healthy. This Cauliflower Cheese is actually healthier than any low-fat version you will eat. Why? Because everything I used in this recipe is completely full fat and natural. There are no added colours, preservatives, additives, starch, or ingredients that you can't pronounce. But I will make a post on the benefits of Ketosis later on this week.

Now back to the recipe...

 If you can boil water and throw things in to a pot - then you can make Cauliflower Cheese. I thought it would be one of those recipes that required a lot of ingredients and took a very long time to make, but it’s the complete opposite - it's easy and only takes 20 Minutes in the oven - mainly for the cheese to brown and everything to warm through.

Cauliflower Cheese before the Oven

Like most of my recipes, the Cauliflower Cheese is quite high calorie - 690 to be precise and packed with fat and protein -  but if like me you’re only concerned about keeping an eye on carbs, read on. 

It's not the best photo but do you even know how hard it is to take a photo of Cauliflower Cheese and then edit it? I'll tell you, it’s not easy! 
Creamy Cauliflower Cheese

  • 400g Cauliflower 
  • 20g - Unsalted Organic, or Grass-fed Butter  (I used Rachel's Unsalted Butter)
  • 45ml (3 Tbsp) -  Double Cream 
  • 45g - Extra Mature Cheddar 
  • 10g Parmesan Cheese 
  • Thyme
  • Himalayan Salt 
  • Ground Pepper
Yield - 1 -2 Serving 

  • Toss the Cauliflower into a saucepan with the Himalayan Salt and bring to the boil until the Cauliflower is soft, or to your liking.
  • When the Cauliflower has cooked, drain and place back into the Saucepan. 
  • Next add the; Butter, Cream, Extra Mature Cheddar, Thyme and Pepper and gently mix through the Cauliflower.
  • Place the mixture into an ovenproof dish, top with the Parmesan Cheese and cook for 20 minutes at 200°c or until the Parmesan is nice and brown.
  • At this point you can cook any side dishes you would like with your Cauliflower Cheese

Serve and Enjoy

I told you it was easy didn't I. 


Macro for Cauliflower Cheese 1 Serving.


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