Mini Crustless Asparagus, Mushroom & Leek Quiches.

Exercising isn't for everyone; some love it and look forward to their next workout, others find it a chore and look forward to finishing it - I am one of those people. I hate working out. It’s tedious, monotonous and you sweat worse than a nun in a brothel, it’s awful. So today I woke early and after much deliberation I decided I would do my workout - Day 5 of Ripped in 30 - granted I missed a few workouts last week but I refuse to start the whole DVD again. I drank my Bulletproof Coffee (recipe in my next post) as slowly, as humanely possible and then procrastinated for about 30 minutes. 
In those 30 minutes I came up with a post workout breakfast - Mini Crustless Asparagus, Mushroom & Leek Quiches -as the title says. These were so easy to prepare and were cooked by the time I finished my workout. What more can a hungry girl ask for? Oh yeah, for someone to turn the oven off when the alarm beeped! (Angry face)  However, other than looking a bit....emm....golden, they were still very light, fluffy and moist on the inside. 
I've tried these mini crustless quiches a few times. The first time they turned out perfect, the last few times they look burnt, which isn't great when all I want to do is take photos of the things and post them to Instagram, or my blog - I mean that's why we all cook in the first place right, so we can take photos? It couldn't possibly be for nutrition. It's all about the photo.

And here they are.

Mini Crustless Asparagus, Mushrooms & Leek Quiches 

Actually, they don't look that bad. I'd still eat them. Actually I still have three leftover for tomorrows Breakfast, which I will be devouring before hitting the streets of Cardiff tomorrow morning - only Bulletproof Coffee and these fatty little things will get me through shopping with shop-a-holic’s. (Sigh)
As I said earlier I woke feeling pretty creative and needed something quick, high fat, low carb and easy to make. I think I did well as these came out with a mere 1g of carbs for each individual mini quiche, and because of all the fat  one was filling enough - 3 nearly put me in a food coma. 

 So without further ado, I present you the recipe for these little beauties. 

  • 2 Eggs 
  • 30g - 2 Asparagus 
  • 20g Leeks 
  • 80g Mushrooms 
  • 30g Cheddar 
  • A good slug of Unsweetened almond milk ( I use almond breeze, I find it much creamier) 
  • 10g Unsalted Butter - Preferably Organic, or grass-fed ( I used Rachel's, today)
  • 1 tsp Thyme
  • 1/4 tsp Tabasco 
  • Himalayan Salt 
  • Fresh Ground Pepper
Yield - 6
  • Grease a muffin tray with the butter 
  • Beat the eggs with salt until their light and frothy. 
  • Chop and toss all vegetables, thyme, pepper and cheese in to your bowl, and combine all ingredients. (There may look like there's more vegetables than egg mixture, so add in the almond milk, this will also help with the finished texture, for a light, fluffy quiches). Add any remaining butter from greasing the tray to the eggs.
  • Add the mixture to each individual compartment on the muffin tray and top with Tabasco and more thyme. 
  • Place in the oven on a 180° for 25 minutes. 

Best Served Hot.

Wasn't that simple? A quick and easy breakfast for when you’re in a rush. Whether you’re late for work, or late getting the kids to school, you can make these the night before, pop them in the microwave for a few seconds and you’re out the door, with a delicious, nutritious breakfast in your mouth. Perfect. 


Macro for 1 Individual Mini Quiche 

Macro for 3 Individual Mini Quiches.



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