Homemade Tomato Ketchup

Until yesterday I had never made ketchup before in my life.  I had eaten a lot of the over processed, sugar laden red stuff but never actually made any, and I just so happened to have a bowl of tomato purée left over from some Aubergine Parmigiana I made last week.

Anyway, this is the finished product. It was very simple to make and smelled amazing when it was cooking. 

Homemade Tomato Ketchup 

Although a little browner than I imagined it would turn out, but I have never seen, nor tasted homemade ketchup before, as I grew up on the processed, red stuff like the majority of the world. 

Before I give you the recipe, I would just like to say that this recipe isn't actually mine, as I found it on an app that I downloaded a few weeks ago. The app is called 'Ketodiet Basic'. I'm not sure how much I paid for it at the time, but it's worth a look. I think the upgraded version is about £2.50 and you do have to pay for some of the recipes, which some people may not want to do. I haven't actually tried any recipes other than the ketchup, so I can't tell you how they are, but they do have a lot of great ideas and also have the macro counts included. This is for the iPhone version. I don't have it on the iPad yet, but it does seem different, or maybe that's just me.

KetoDiet Basic App for Iphone

  • 1 cup Tomato Purée (Unsweetened)
  • Half a White Onion
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 1/8 tsp of Allspice
  • 1/8 tsp Ground Cloves – I put mine in whole.
  • 1 tsp of Himalayan Salt
  • Freshly Ground Black Pepper
  • Quarter Cup of Water
  • Quarter Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Sweetener of your choice, to your taste

  • Peel and Chop the onion and garlic 
  • Add everything to the pan and simmer on a low heat until all the ingredients are soft
  • Let the mixture cool
  • Blend until smooth
  • It's that simple! 



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