Layered Fatbombs

Hands up who loves fatbombs. I know I sure do. 

They come in all different shapes and sizes, flavours and colours, and their an easy, tasty way of getting in those extra grams of fat for the day. But what are they exactly?

Well I'll tell you. 

Fatbombs are basically self explanatory. Their little bombs of fat. Little keto candies, as I like to call them, but without all the added sugar and E numbers. And they're super easy to make.

You can use any form of fat you wish; Oil, butter, cream, nut butters, seed butters, all of the above together. It is completely up to you. 

I however chose to use; Coconut Oil, Organic Butter, Double Cream and Cocoa Powder. 

Amongst the keto community these little, low carb beauties have gone viral, and you will see why when you tuck into one of these delicious frozen sweets. But I warn you, their like pringles. 

Don’t believe me? I dare you to just eat one.

Layered Fatbombs.

  • 30g Coconut Oil
  • 30g Organic, Grassfed Butter
  • 30ml Milk
  • 1-2 tsp of cocoa powder ( you can use more if you want a more chocolatey taste)
  • 1-2 tbls Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Zest of the Lemon
  • Ice Cube tray, or sweet mould. ( I used an ice cube tray, just as effective)
  • A couple of microwavble bowls, or Saucepan.
  • Spoon
  • Fine grater.

These are really easy to make, and will take you about 25-30 minutes from prep to finish. 

  • Firstly you will need to melt all your butter and oil in separate bowls. You can either do this in a bowl in the microwave, or in a saucepan. The choice is yours.
  • Add the cocoa powder to the coconut oil and mix thoroughly until you have a nice rich, chocolate brown. Simple right?
  • Next you will need to spoon about 2 teaspoons of the mixture into each compartment of the ice cube tray - Make sure you don’t use all of the oil, because you will need the rest for the final layer later on.
  • When the bottom is completely covered and even, you can pop the tray in the freezer. Place the tray with the coconut oil into the freezer and leave to set. This should take a few minutes.
  • While your waiting for them to set you can prepare the middle layer.
  • Mix the double cream into the melted butter and beat the two fats together. You can do this by hand. It may look like the cream and butter won’t combine but with a bit of perseverance, it will.
  • Add the lemon juice, and as much lemon rind as you wish. I used half a lemon for the juice and the flavour shone through like the sun on a Summer’s day. It was delicious.

NB: If like me your butter and cream starts turning into delicious buttercream...Eh hem...don’t eat it! Hehe. Simply resist the temptation... (oh go on, have a little bit) then place it back in the microwave for a few seconds. It will soon melt.

  • By this point your coconut oil should be set, so take the tray back out of the freezer and fill the majority of it with the butter and cream mix.
  • Return to the freezer.
  • When the sweets are set add the last layer of coconut mixture and guessed it..return to the freezer.
  • You can leave them overnight to freeze, or if your impatient like me, a few hours.
And it's as simple as that. Now for the real hard part - trying not to eat them all in one sitting. 



Macro for 1 individual Fatbomb



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