Banana, Blueberry & Almond Quiche

Yes. You read it right - Banana, Blueberry & Almond Quiche. I've never seen a sweet quiche before - not that I've looked online, but I was quite pleased when I came up with this recipe last night - yes I often lay in bed at night dreaming up new recipes for my low carb lifestyle, I just love food since I've become low carb and I can't seem to get enough of it. Anyway, while these Banana, Blueberry and Almond Quiche were sweet, there was 0 sugar added to them by me, all the sweeteness came from the Banana. However,  while I may have found these quiche sweet enough, for anyone with a sweet tooth I would recommend adding some low carb sweetener to the mix before cooking - I added a little raw maple syrup with some natural yogurt - amazing!!

Banana, Blueberry & Almond Quiche 

The smell that filled my house this morning was just simply divine - like freshly baked banana bread, it had me wishing I could be more creative with coconut flour and make some proper banana bread muffins - maybe one day this week.

The best thing about these little quiche is that they can be eaten at any time of the day - Breakfast, Snacks, you could even serve them for dessert with a little whipped cream - I would be happy if I was served these at a dinner party, and I'm not just saying it because it's my recipe - they truly were delicious.

Anyway, I think I've waffled on enough - now for the recipe

Yield - 4

  • 3 - Free Range Eggs 
  • 50g - Banana 
  • 50g Blueberries 
  • 20g - Flaked Almonds 
  • 4 tbsp Double Cream 
  • Low Carb Sweetener - optional 

  • Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and place them in separate bowls 
  • With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites with the sweetener until their thick and frothy 
  • Do the same with the egg yolks 
  • In a blender, blend the banana into a purée, then fold into the egg whites  - do the same with the egg yolk, blueberries and almond flakes.
  • Next spoon the mixture evenly into muffin cases, add the double cream, and place the quiche into a pre-heated oven for 30-40 mins on a low heat - 175f - if your quiche start to brown too quickly, turn the heat down again.

And there you have it - another simple, but delicious recipe.

Enjoy !


Tuna Waffle Melt

Here it is again - the coconut flour bread recipe - which you can find here - this time however its a waffle and used for a tuna melt - yum! There's not much to say about this recipe, as I've used it so many times I have nothing else t say about it - other than its still delicious, especially when you add herbs into the batter - italian seasoning is a good one.

I've never actually had a tuna melt before, so I wasn't particularly sure what to add to it - I knew cheese must be a main component and then I added whatever I fancied and voila - tuna melt.

Tuna Melt
The only trouble I have with my waffle maker is that it leaves the waffles pretty limp and fragile - I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen since I've only ever eaten my own waffles, but this issue is easily fixed - I carefully remove them from the waffle maker and fry them on a low heat, in some ghee, or unsalted butter until their a nice golden brown - this makes the sandwich easier to handle.

So there it is, a tuna melt with waffle bread - who needs carby bread eh?


Chicken & Leek Pie, with Colcannon Mash

At last I have something other than pancakes and bread to post about -yay!  I made this a while ago but I never got around to posting the recipe for it, which was disappointing since I really enjoyed this pie. However, when I think of a pie I think of a pastry crusted case, holding some sort of delicious filling, but obviously being on low carb/keto I can't eat those sorts of food so I had to improvise yet again. I decided to take a simple pie filling  and topped it with cauliflower mash - almost like a shepherds pie but vegetarian and it was 'chicken and leek'. Again, this recipe is vegetarian and so it is higher carb than an actual chicken version would be but its easily changed.

When I made this recipe I was going through the ketoflu - definitely not fun - but I heard eating sodium and potassium help with this issue, as low carb is a natural diuretic so your continuously passing these minerals through your urine which means you need to add them back - Bouillon can help with this as its high in sodium, although I chose to have the reduced salt as I find this is still too salty for me and then I used it in this dish,which definitely added flavour to the meal. 

Chicken & Leek Pie, with Colcannon Cauliflower Mash
Yield 1-2 Servings
Ingredients for the Pie Filling 
  • 100g Quorn Chicken - or Diced Chicken 
  • 100g - Leek 
  • 15g - Bouillon Powder
  • 15g- Butter 
  • 60ml - Double Cream 
  • Ghee

Ingredients for the Colcannon Cauliflower Mash
  • 300g - Cauliflower 
  • Garlic 
  • 2 Spring Onion 
  • Parmesan 
  • Himalayan Salt 
  • Fry the leeks in a non stick frying pan with the ghee and chicken until everything is cooked. 
  • In a saucepan boil the cauliflower with the salt.
  • Remove the filling ingredients from the frying pan and melt the butter on a low heat, take off the heat and add the double cream with some bouillon and water and reduce the sauce until it thickens slightly. 
  • When the cauliflower is cooked, mash it with a potato masher, or pulse it in a food processor with the garlic, then add the spring onion and parmesan. 
  • Before you top the pie filling with the cauliflower mash the filling needs to be cold so that the cauliflower mash doesn't sink. 
  • Now you can put the pie in the oven until the pie is warmed through and the cauliflower mash has turned brown, or crisped slightly. 
And that's it, you can serve with any vegetables, salad, or even eat it on its own.


Who Needs Burger Buns...Coconut Flour Bread

Yesterday I fancied a burger for dinner, but not the usual low carb burger that I see around Instagram and the internet where there's lettuce leaves to act as the 'bun' - I've tried this a few times and it while it may look good, as soon as you get stuck in all turns messy and annoying to eat - no, this burger needed something that was going to hold a burger and all its trimmings, I needed something that I could hold in my hand and not have it fall apart on me, something that could satisfy my taste buds and also my burger cravings. That's when it hit me - why not use my pancake bread recipe for the bun - so yesterday for dinner,  I made a delicious vegetarian burger, with all the typical burger trimmings and I was able to hold it in my hand and enjoy every single last bite. You don't believe me, I have photographic evidence - look. 

Hand Held Burger 
Yup. I was pretty impressed too and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. This bread recipe - which I have posted a few times on this blog, is very simple, easy to cook and can also be prepared beforehand - as I found out yesterday, although it could have done with being heated up - but I'll remember that for next time. Actually, this burger was so impressive it even made my parents want it - which is always a surprise since they still think the way I eat is unhealthy, I just can't get through to them. 

Egg's Florentine with Coconut Flour Pancakes

  Today I made the best breakfast ever - and I'm not just saying it - it was amazing! I’ve made eggs Florentine once before, when I first started low carb/keto and it wasn’t great – I used coconut flour to make the sauce and it was just too grainy – I never made that mistake again, I also used toast back then too. This eggs florentine was everything you need in an egg dish - creamy, cheesy, eggy and delicious, it also had plenty of pancakes to mop up the sauce and yolk - I could actually eat this again right now, if I wasn't still full up from eating it breakfast time.  I guess this isn’t a true eggs Florentine as I didn’t use tomatoes, or hollandaise sauce – truth be told I’ve never made a hollandaise sauce before and it seems a bit fiddly, maybe one day.

I came up with the eggs Florentine recipe late last night, but when I woke this morning I debated whether to make the eggs florentine –it just seemed like too much effort that early in the morning – but you can’t just stick some cereal in a bowl with low carb/ keto and call it a day, you need to be creative on times, and since I was all out of breakfast ideas I got cracking with the eggs Florentine - and I’m glad I did. My initial idea for the sauce was with double cream, butter and some cheddar – a plausible cheese sauce in my opinion, but it seemed a bit rich for a morning breakfast, plus I had planned whipped cream for supper, so I needed a different idea - that’s when I settled on cream cheese – yup cream cheese, who would have thought you could make a delicious sauce from it.

Eggs Florentine with Coconut Flour Pancakes 

The eggs Florentine combined with the coconut flour pancakes is a bit time consuming to make and you do need to be good at multitasking in order to have it all ready at the same time - so it’s not suitable for your average busy person, but if you happen to have a spare 30-40 mins on hand, then definitely try this - you won’t regret it.

The coconut flour pancakes were made with my usual ‘bread’ pancake recipe - which you can find here  but with Italian seasoning added in to give them a bit more flavour for the egg dish – I’m actually useless with herbs and spices and thought the cheese sauce may overpower the Italian seasoning, but it totally didn't.

Coconut Flour Pancakes
  • 1 – Free Range Egg
  • 20g - Coconut Flour
  • 60ml – Almond Milk (Any low carb milk)
  • ¼ tsp - Baking Powder
  • 1/8 tsp - Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 tsp – Italian Seasoning
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Ghee, or Unsalted Butter

Coconut Flour Pancake Instructions
  • Beat the egg in a bowl with the salt, gradually add the coconut flour and combine until the batter is smooth and lump free, add the Italian seasoning.
  • Melt your oil in a non-stick, or cast iron skillet on a low heat
  • Spoon your coconut flour batter into the pan and cook slowly, pushing the sides of the pancake with the spatula to create a thicker, smaller pancake.
  • Cook both sides and then plate up.

Cheese Sauce Ingredients
  • 50g – Philadelphia Full Fat Cream Cheese
  • 3 tbsp – Almond Milk
  • 30g – Cheddar – I use extra strong
  • Cheese Sauce Instructions
  • When you’re cooking your pancakes and poaching your eggs, melt the cream cheese in a saucepan on a low heat, with the almond milk.
  • When the cream cheese is smooth take off the heat and add the cheese, stirring occasionally. When the cheese is nearly melted add back to the heat – this stops the cheese from going stringy.
  • Now that the main components are cooked all you have to do now is wilt some spinach, poach your eggs and plate up.

It’s quite simple right?

Feel free to pin any of my recipes, or comment below - I'd love to hear what you all think. :)


Greenfingered Goddess

It's been a while, but I'm back and with a ton of new recipes in tow - excited? I certainly am.  Since my last post I have taken my domesticated goddess skills beyond cooking and cleaning and I am now growing my own vegetables – yes from seed, which is tedious and monotonous until those little gems start sprouting into a new life – then it gets fun. I have also been getting my creative groove on lately in the kitchen and coming up with some new, exciting vegetarian, low carb/keto recipes to share with all of you – if I do say so myself, and I will be sharing some of these lovely recipes later on, because right now – I want to talk about gardening, and my new found love for it.

Gardening has definitely been on my to do list for some time, but as I still live at home – begrudgingly – I’ve never wanted to get started on something that would never look as good as my very own, home-grown vegetable patch surrounded by a crisp white picket fence and free range chickens– which I doubt I will ever have anyway, but a girl can dream – plus we don’t have a garden per se  – it’s a three tiered, pretty scruffy backyard that has a deck in the middle and a ton of wood at the top end and no dirt, or even grass– not much to go on right? I am also OCD so everything must look organised and to my standard otherwise I just lose interest pretty quickly – all that in mind I decided my obsession with courgettes and aubergine were starting to get expensive and I still haven’t come across  spaghetti squash anywhere, so I took the plunge and bought some seeds. I then realised all these vegetables needed a ton of room – like a vegetable patch - so now what? Well, luckily I have some giant pots already on hand and now all I have to do is wait for those little seedlings to grow into mature plants, and then I can plant them into those same giant pots - and hope that I don’t grow some sort of beanstalk in the mean time.  It all sounds so easy right? - and with a little patience, hard work and tender loving care, it is – and I’m going to show you just how easy it is by documenting the process for you all folks with no garden, who want to grow your own fresh, organic vegetables. the moment I currently have; Courgette, Aubergine, Spaghetti Squash, Jalapeno and Chamomile growing very well – I also have a nice herb garden basket, which I’m pretty excited about – I’ve always wanted a herb garden and now I have one – hehe.

The germination period of my vegetables was a bit of an experiment, as I didn't have any soil at the time and it was getting late into spring, and those seeds needed to start germinating in time for the last frost – so I made a DIY propagator, from a plastic mushroom container – I lined it with cling film and wet cotton wool – placed my seeds on the cotton wool and then covered with more cling film and the lid – it was really that simple, and it worked – all my seeds sprouted and are now residing in some soil, quite happily.

Courgette, Aubergine and Jalapeno Seeds - Day 1
 For my spaghetti squash I sowed the seeds straight into some wet potting soil, covered with cling film and let them do their thing – five days later they’re all sprouted and catching up with my courgette plants – beanstalk alert. 

However, two of the most important elements that seeds need in the germination stage - apart from being kept moist - is darkness and heat, and since my vegetables – apart from spaghetti squash –weren't covered with soil they needed to be kept in a dark place which was heated - so what did I do? I improvised of course and kept them in my boiler shed – it’s a shed outside where the oil boiler is kept, it’s also dark and very warm – perfect for germinating seeds – as soon as the seeds sprouted they then needed light to create photosynthesis – I remembered that from school - and so I had to move them everyday into full sunlight and then return them to the warmth of the boiler shed in the evening - this process has also helped harden the seedlings, for when I need to move them out into the garden full time.

Overall I am very pleased with my little experiment and can’t wait to see the outcome of all my efforts and more importantly, use them in my cooking– fingers crossed. 

So what’s the moral of my story? The moral is...  that you don’t need high tech equipment, or a beautiful vegetable patch to grow your own fresh, organic vegetables, all you need is a little patience, common sense and improvisation when you need it, and before long you will be harvesting the fruits of your labour. I have a long way to go before I get to that stage but I am hopeful for my little seedlings future. 

Stay Tuned... 
